

参考用书:C++ Primer Plus(Sixth Edition),作者:Stephen Prata

I have learned the programming language C already, thus I’ll only take down new grammars and features in C++ in my notes.

Also, all the Chinese versions I’ve found are scanned version, but I find an English version which is not scanned. Therefore I’ll just use the English version. A chance to practice my English, not bad!

Chpt 1. Getting Started with C++

C++ is a superset of C. C++ joins 3 separate programming categories: the procedural language, the object-oriented language and generic programming.

C Programming Philosophy

In general, computer languages deal with two cocepts–data and algorithms. Like most mainstream languages when C was created, C is a procedural language. That means is emphasizes the algorithm side of programming.

C includes features to facilitate structured programming approach, making it relatively easy to read and modify a program.

Top-down design was another feature of C. The idea is to break a large program into smaller, more manageable tasks. C uses programming unit called functions to implemente this idea.

The C++ Shift: Object-Oriented Programming

Unlike procedural programming, which emphasizes algorithms, OOP emphasizes the data. The idea is to design data forms that correspond to the essential features of a problem.

In C++, a class is a specification describing such a new data form, and an object is a particular data structure constructed according to that plan.

The OOP approach to program design is to first design classes, then proceed to design a program using objects of those classes. This process of going from a lower level of organization(such as classes) to a higher level(such as program design) is called bottom-up programming.

There are other features of OOP such as information hiding, polymorphism, inheritance and etc.

C++ and Generic Programming

The term generic refres to code that is type independent. Generic programming involves extending the language so that you can write a function for a generic type once and use it for a variety of actual types.

Chpt 2. Setting Out to C++


If you use iostream instead of iostream.h, you should use the following namespace directive to make the definitions in iostream available to your program:

using namespace std;

This is called a using directive. Namespace support is a C++ feature that combines pre-existing code from several vendors and to help organize programs. One potential problem is that you might use two prepackaged products that both have a function called wanda(). The namespace facility lets a vendor pakcage its wares in a unit called a namespace so that you can use the name of a namespace to indecate which vendor’s product you want. So Microflop Industries could place its definitions in a namespace called Microflop. Then Microflop::wanda() could denote Microflop’s version of wanda(). Similarly, Piscine::wanda() could denote Piscine Corporation’s version of wanda().

Thus, you can omit the using directive and, instead, code in the following style:

std::cout << "Come up and C++ me some time.";
std::cout << std::endl;

The following line means you can use names defined in the std namespace without using the std:: prefix:

using namespace std;

C++ Output with cout

cout << "Come up and C++ me some time."

The << notation indicates that the statement is sending the string to cout; the symbols point the way the information flows. cout is a predefined object that knows how to display a variety of things, intcluding strings, numbers and individual characters. Thus, you can say that it inserts a string into the output stream.

Using cin

cin >> carrots;

Just as C++ considers output to be a stream of characters flowing out of the program, it considers input to be a stream of characters flowing into the program.

Chpt 3. Dealing with Data

Naming Rules

One rule is worth noticing:

Names beginning with two underscore(_) characters or with an underscore character followed by an uppercase letter are reserved for use by the implementation–that is, the compiler and the resources it uses. Names beginning with a single underscore character are reserved for use as global identifiers by the implementation.

Using a name such as __time_stop or _Donut doesn’t produce a compiler error; instead, it leads to undefined behavior. In other words, there’s no telling what the result will be.

The sizeof Operator and the climits Header File

You can apply the sizeof operator to a type name or to a variable name.

When you use the sizeof operator with a type name, such as int, you enclose the name in parentheses. But when you use the operator with the name of the variable, such as n_short, parentheses are optional.

The climits header file defines symbolic constants to represent type limits.

Integer Literals

An integer literal, or constant, is one you write out explicitly, such as 212 or 1776. C++, like C, lets you write integers in three different number bases: base 10, base 8, and base 16.

C++ uses the first digit or two to identify the base of a number constant:

  • 1-9: decimal(base 10)
  • 0: octal(base 8)
  • 0x or 0X: hexadecimal(base 16)

If you want to display a value in headecimal or octal form, you can use cout manipulators dec, hex, and oct to display integers in decimal, hexadecimal, and octal formats, respectively.

wchar_t, char16_t and char32_t

The wchar_t type is an integer type with sufficient space to represent the largest extended character set used on the system. This type has the same size and sign properties as one of the other integer types, which is called the underlying type. The underlying type depends on the implementation.

Because the sign and size of wchar_t can vary from one implementation to another, C++11 introduces the types char16_t, which is unsigned and 16 bits, and char32_t, which is unsigned and 32 bits. C++11 uses the u prefix for char16_t character and string constants, like u'C' and u"be good". Similarly, it uses the U prefix for char32_t constants, like U'R' and U"dirty rat".

A member function: cout.put()

The cout.put() function is the first example of an important C++ OOP concept, the member function. A member function belongs to a class and describes a method for manipulating class data. The cout is an object of class ostream. The class has a member function named put(). We can use the function with a particular object of the class, such as cout object.

To use a class member function with an object of that class, simply use a period to combine the object name(cout) with the function name(put()).

We’ll learn “Objects and Classes” in Chapter 10. Now the only classes we have encountered are istream and ostream classes.

The const qualifier

C++ uses const to handle symbolic constants. For example, const int Months = 12 initialized a constant named Months with value of 12.

Writing Floating-Point Numbers

C++ has two ways of writing floating-point numbers. The first is the custom way, like 3.14159. The second method is called E notation, which is like 3.14E-6(= 0.00000314). The -6 is called an exponent, and the 3.14 is termed the mantissa.(You can use both E or e in E notation)

Floating-Point Constants

By default, floating-point constants such as 8.24 and 2.4E8 are type double. If we want a constant to be type float, we can use an f or F suffix. For type long double, we can use an l or L suffix.


When you try to combine mixed types, C++ converts all the concerned types to the same type.

C++ empowers us to force type conversions explicitly vis the type cast mechanism.

You can use (typename) value or typename (value) to complete type cast. The former is traditional C form of type cast, whereas the second form is pure C++. The idea behind the new form is to make a type cast look ike a function call. This makes type casts for the built-in types look like the type conversions you can design for user-defined classes.

C++ also introduces 4 type case operators that are more restrictive in bow they can be used. Ot the four, the static_cast<> operator, can be used for converting values from one numeric type to another. Usage: static_cast<typename> value. The idea behind is to be more restrictive than the traditional type cast.

auto Declarations in C++11

C++11 introduces a facility that allows the compiler to deduce a type from the type of an initialization value. For this purpose it redefines the meaning of auto, a keyword dating back to C, but one hardly ever used.

auto n = 100;   // n is int

Chpt 4. Compound Types


You can use a comma-separated list of values (the initialization list) enclosed in braces to initialize an array, like int yamcosts[3] = {20, 30, 5};. However, you can only use the initialization form when defining the array. You cannot use it later(int hands[4]; hands[4] = {5, 6, 7, 9};) and you cannot assign one array wholesale to another(int cards[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4}; hands = cards;).

You can let the compiler counter number of elements in an array while initializing:

short things[] = {1, 5, 3, 8};
int num_elements = sizeof things / sizeof (short);

C-style Strings

C++ has two ways of dealing with strings. The first is C-style string, like char name[4] = {'S', 'a', 'm', '\0'};; the second is using C++ string class.

For C-style strings, you can just initialize it without denoting the number of characters:

char fish[] = "Bubbles";    // let the compiler count

A tricky point about cin is that cin uses whitespace(spaces, tabs, and newlines) to delineate a string. This means that cin only reads one word when it gets input from a character array. The program instr1.cpp shows this.

To read input strings a line at a time instead of a word, you should use istream(cin is its object) class member functions getline() and get(). The difference is, after reading a line, getline() discards the newline character, whereas get() leaves it in the input queue.

get(name, ArSize) reads input characters from keyboard and stops when input reaches its end or input is longer than ArSize. Note that the character '\n' will be left in the inpiut queue.

A single get() reads one character a time. We can use it to absort the '\n' character left by the above function:

cin.get(name, ArSize);      // read first line
cin.get();                  // read newline
cin.get(dessert, ArSize);   // read second line

Another way to use get() is to concatenate, or join, two class member functions, as follows:

cin.get(name, ArSize).get();    // concatenate member functions

This is possible because cin.get(name, ArSize) returns the cin object.

Use string Class

Just use

string str1;

to declare a string. We can also use cin and cout to assign or print the value of a string.

The string class makes it simpler for some operations to be done. For example, you can assign a string object directly to another. Also you can combine strings using the operator +. An advantage of using string class is that you don’t have to worry about oversizing. string objects will automatically resize its size to fit in your input or your operation.

We can use member functions size() of string class to get the length of a string, which is equivalent to the strlen() function from the <cstring> header file(the older <string.h>).

We can use getline(cin, stringname) to get a string from the keyboard. Note that cin is an argument of the function, which indicates that this getline() function is not the member function method from istream class. It takes cin as an argument that tells it where to find the input. Also, there isn’t an argument for the size of the string because the string object automatically resizes to fit the objects, as we’ve discussed above.

Structure and Union

You’ve defined a strcture inflatable:

struct inflatable{
    char name[20];
    float volume;
    double price;

Then you can create variables of type inflatable:

inflatable hat;

Notice that you don’t have to write struct before structure name inflatable, which is required in C.

You can use string class members within structure definition. Just move the using directive before structure definition.

The usage and function of union in C++ is the same as is in C.


Enumeration is defined as follows:

enum spectrum {red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, indigo, ultraviolet};

It establishes red, orange, yellow, and so on, as symbolic constants for the integer values 0-7. These constants are called enumerators.

Notice that only assignment operator is defined for enumerations. In particular, arithmetic operations are not defined. However, enumerators can be automatically converted to int type, but int types are not converted automatically to the enumeration type:

int color = blue;           // valid, spectrum type promoted to int
spectrum band;
band = 3;                   // invalid, int not converted to spectrum
color = 3 + red;            // valid, red converted to int

Allocating Memory with new

In C, you can allocate memory with the library function malloc(). You can still so so in C++, but C++ provides a better way: the new operator.

int *pn = new int;

The new int part tells the program you want some new storage suitable for holding an int. The new operator uses the type to figure out how many bytes are needed. Then it finds the memory and returns teh address.he

Freeing memory with delete

You can free memory with delete:

int *ps = new int;
delete ps;

Use new to Create Dynamic Arrays

int *psome = new int[10];

Use delete to Free Dynamic Arrays

delete [] psome;

Pointer and Array

Array name denotes the address of the starting element of the array. We have that pointername[i] == *(pointername + i). Thus, in many cases we can use pointer names and array names in the same way.

However, there are two major differences between pointer names and array names. The first one is that array name is a constant, so you cannot change it. But pointername is changeable:

pointername = pointername + 1;      // valid
arrayname = arrayname + 1;          // not allowed

A second difference is that applying the sizeof operator to an array name yields the size of the array, even if the pointer points to an array. But applying the sizeof operator to array names produce the size of the array. For example:

double wages[3] = {10000.0, 20000.0, 30000.0};
double *pw = wages;                 

cout << sizeof(wages) << " = size of wages array\n";
cout << sizeof(pw) << " = size of pw pointer\n";

Running result:

24 = size of wages array
4 = size of pw pointer

Pointer and String

char animal[20] = "bear";           // animal holds bear
char *ps = animal;
cout << animal << " at " << (int *) animal << endl;
cout << ps << " at " << (int *) ps << endl;


bear at 0x61fdf0
bear at 0x61fdf0

Normally, if you give cout a pointer, it prints an address. But if the pointer is type char *, cout displays the pointer-to string. If you want to see the address of the string, you have to type cast the pointer to another pointer type, such as int *, as the example above shows.

The vector Template Class

The vector template class is similiar to the string class in that it is a dynamic array. Basically, it’s an alternative to using new to create a dynamic array.

We’ll pay attention to 5 aspects of the vector class:

  1. To use a vector class, you need to include the vector header file.
  2. The vector identifier is part of the std namespace, so you can use a using directive, a using declaration, or std::vector.
  3. Templates use a different syntax to indicate the type of data stored.
  4. The vector class uses a different syntax to indicate the number of elements.
using namespace std;
vector<int> vi;         // create a zero-size array of int
int n;
cin >> n;
vector<double> vd(n);   // create an array of n doubles

The array Template Class (C++11)

Compared to vector, the built-in array type is a bit more efficient, but it comes at a cost of leesened convenience and safety. To solve this problem, C++11 adds the array template class. To create an array object, you need to include the array header file. Also it is in namespace std.

#include <array>
using namespace std;
array<int, 5> ai;           // create array object of 5 ints
array<double, 4> ad = {1.2, 2.1, 3.43, 4.3};