Unlike traditional coding jobs, the prompt engineering role is targeted to anyone with basic programming skills and familiarity with large language models such as ChatGPT or Bard.
The AI Job That Pays Up to $335K—and You Don’t Need a Computer Engineering Background

Unlike traditional coding jobs, the prompt engineering role is targeted to anyone with basic programming skills and familiarity with large language models such as ChatGPT or Bard.
BY NIK POPLI [APRIL 14, 2023 2:20 PM EDT]
A new kind of AI job is emerging—and it pays six-figure salaries and doesn’t require a degree in computer engineering, or even advanced coding skills.
With the rise in generative artificial intelligence1, a host of2 companies are now looking to hire “prompt engineers” who are tasked with training the emerging3 crop of4 AI tools to deliver more accurate and relevant responses to the questions real people are likely to pose.
Some of these jobs can even pay up to $335,000 a year.
What does a prompt engineer do?
Anna Bernstein, a 29-year-old prompt engineer at generative AI firm Copy$.$ai in New York, is one of the few people already working in this new field. Her role involves writing text-based prompts that she feeds into the back end5 of AI tools so they can do things such as generate a blog post or sales email with the proper tone and accurate information. She doesn’t need to write any technical code to do this; instead, she types instructions to the AI model to help refine6 responses.
现年29岁的安娜·伯恩斯坦(Anna Bernstein)在纽约的生成式AI公司Copy$.$ai担任提示工程师,是这个新兴领域为数不多的从业人员之一。她的职责是编写文本提示,将其输入AI工具的后端,以便执行诸如生成具有适当语气和准确信息的博客文章或销售电子邮件之类的操作。她不需要编写任何技术代码来执行此操作;相反,她键入指令以帮助AI模型优化响应。
“There aren’t many of us prompt engineers, and for a long time it really felt like it was just me,” Bernstein says. She joined Copy$.$ai in September 2021, about a year before OpenAI’s ChatGPT went viral7 for its uncanny8 ability to generate elegant writing and answer almost any question. “At the time, the term ‘prompt engineer’ didn’t exist, and they were unsure whether it was even a role that could exist.”
Bernstein, who studied English in college, was a copywriter9 and historical research assistant before becoming a prompt engineer. “I had no tech background whatsoever,” she says. “But to have a humanities background in this field seems to me like a triumph10, especially since part of the point of developing AI is to imitate11 human thought.”
A surge in AI jobs
Prompt engineering is now considered one of the hottest tech jobs as companies look for ways to help train and adapt AI tools to get the most out of new large language models, which can provide results that are not always correct or appropriate.
It’s part of a dramatic12 increase in demand for workers who understand and can work with AI tools. According to LinkedIn data shared with TIME, the number of posts referring to “generative AI” has increased 36-fold13 in comparison to14 last year, and the number of job postings containing “GPT” rose by 51% between 2021 and 2022. Some of these job postings are being targeted to anyone, even those without a background in computer science or tech.
It’s too soon to tell how big prompt engineering will become, but a range of15 companies and industries are beginning to recruit for these positions. Anthropic, a Google-backed16 AI startup17, is advertising salaries up to $335,000 for a “Prompt Engineer and Librarian” in San Francisco. Applicants must “have a creative hacker spirit and love solving puzzles,” the listing states. Automated document reviewer Klarity is offering as much as $230,000 for a machine learning engineer who can “prompt and understand how to produce the best output” from AI tools.
现在还无法判断提示工程会变得多么重要,但各种公司和行业都开始为这些职位招聘人才。谷歌支持的AI初创公司Anthropic正在招聘旧金山的“提示工程师和图书管理员”,薪水高达335,000美元。申请人必须“具有创造性的黑客精神,喜欢解决难题”,招聘启事这样写道。自动化文档审核软件 Klarity 正在招聘一位机器学习工程师,并提供高达230,000美元的薪酬,该工程师应该能够“提示和理解如何从AI工具中产生最佳输出”。
Outside of the tech world, Boston Children’s Hospital and consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton recently advertised for prompt engineering jobs, with the latter paying up to $212,000 for applicants with more than three years of experience implementing18 machine learning models. Actor Donald Glover is even looking to hire a prompt engineer and prompt animator at his new creative studio.
在科技界之外,波士顿儿童医院和咨询公司Booz Allen Hamilton最近也在打广告招聘提示工程师,后者为拥有三年以上机器学习模型实现经验的申请人支付高达212,000美元的薪水。演员唐纳德·格洛弗(Donald Glover)甚至想在他的新创意工作室雇佣一名提示工程师和提示动画师。
But despite the engineering moniker19 in the job title, Bernstein says she doesn’t fully consider herself an engineer. “When I first started, we tried to get the term prompt specialists going,” she says. “Then the term prompt engineer as a noun emerged.”
How to become a prompt engineer
Rob Lennon, an expert in prompt engineering, began teaching paid online courses through Kajabi in December designed to help the average20 person learn the skills needed for a job in the field. His two courses, which around 2,000 students have already taken, demonstrate21 how to format and structure prompts for different types of tasks and domains. “People are clamoring22 for this knowledge,” Lennon says. “It’s kind of like first mover’s advantage.” The courses start at $150 and can cost up to $3,970 for custom23 training and course certification.
提示工程专家罗布·列侬(Rob Lennon)自去年12月起通过Kajabi在线教授收费课程,旨在帮助普通人学习从事该领域工作所需的技能。他的两门课程已经有约2,000名学生参加,演示了如何为不同类型的任务和领域格式化和构建提示。“人们对这方面的知识趋之若鹜,”列侬说。“这有点像先发优势。”课程起价为150美元,最高可达3,970美元,包括定制培训和课程认证。
But on the other side, some experts believe that the prompt engineering hype24 will burn out once AI becomes more powerful and capable of generating its own prompts. Ethan Mollick, an associate professor25 at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, cautions that those looking to become prompt engineers should consider that much is unknown about the future of the industry.
然而,另一方面,一些专家认为,提示工程的炒作会在AI变得更强大、能够生成自己的提示时消退。宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院的副教授伊桑·莫利克(Ethan Mollick)警告说,那些想成为提示工程师的人应该考虑到该行业未来尚不清楚。
“It’s not clear that prompt engineering is going to matter long-term because AI programs are getting better at anticipating26 what users need and generating prompts,” he says. “We also don’t know if there’s a special skill involved for prompt engineering or if it just requires a lot of time spent with chatbots27.”
And the high salaries currently being offered may not last. “These are jobs that probably only 500 people could do right now, so there are these insane28 salaries,” Lennon says. “But in six months, 50,000 people will be able to do that job. The value of this knowledge is greater today than it will be tomorrow.”
Mollick notes that those interested in exploring this field should try experimenting with large language models like GPT+ and Bard to learn their own approach to developing prompts, rather than taking an online course. That’s because AI systems are changing so quickly and the prompts that work today may not work in the future. “What I worry about is people thinking that there is a magical secret to prompting,” he says.
Given the high interest in AI jobs, Karin Kimbrough, chief economist at LinkedIn, says employers may quickly find that they need to compete with one another to hire talent29 to fill these emerging open roles, particularly if they continue to focus on hiring applicants with specific degrees or past job titles. “Given how late-breaking30 all of this is, it’s important to approach31 these newly developed roles with a skills-first mindset, by focusing on the actual skills required to do the job,” she says.
考虑到对AI工作的高度关注,LinkedIn首席经济学家卡琳·金布劳(Karin Kimbrough)表示,雇主可能很快会发现他们需要相互竞争,以雇佣填补这些新兴职位的人才,特别是如果他们继续关注招聘具有特定学位或过去职位头衔的申请人。“考虑到这一切都是最新的情况,重要的是要以技能为首的心态来对待这些新开发的角色,关注实际需要的技能,”她说。
Some may find it suspicious that tech companies are willing to dole out32 this kind of cash at a time of massive33 layoffs34 across the industry. But tech entrepreneurs who champion the power of artificial intelligence believe prompt engineering has the chance to take off35 and shape the future of automation. “The hottest new programming language is English,” Andrej Karpathy, Tesla’s former chief of AI, wrote on Twitter.
一些人可能会对科技公司在行业大规模裁员之际愿意支付这种现金感到怀疑。但是,支持人工智能力量的科技企业家们相信,提示工程有机会蓬勃发展并塑造自动化的未来。“最热门的新编程语言是英语,”特斯拉前首席AI官Andrej Karpathy在Twitter上写道。
Even so, not everyone agrees that prompt engineering will catch on at the six-figure salary levels with few educational requirements currently being offered. The trend has also raised questions about why people with a humanities36 background are compensated37 at the same rate as those with a tech background, Bernstein says. Her response: “Why not? If they’re contributing as much to the product.”
【Translated by ChatGPT (using model GPT-4)】
In summary, prompt engineering is becoming an emerging field full of opportunities. Although there are still many unknowns about the future development of this industry, the role of prompt engineers has started to attract talents from various backgrounds, including those without a computer engineering background. These jobs provide an opportunity for people to participate in AI development and offer lucrative salaries for more individuals. However, concerns about the future of this field and potential market changes mean that those interested in pursuing prompt engineering should closely monitor the industry’s developments and be prepared to adapt to a constantly changing environment.
generative artificial intelligence 生成式人工智能。它能够生成类似于人类创造的文本、图像、音频等内容。与传统的人工智能技术不同,生成式人工智能可以自主地创造内容,而不是仅仅从已知的数据集中提取和转换信息。 ↩
a host of 大量的,许多的(常用于描述一大群人或事物)。 ↩
emerging 刚刚出现的,新兴的。 ↩
crop of (在某个时期内同时出现的,具有共同特征的)一批(人或事物)。 ↩
back end 后端。计算机系统或软件的后台部分,即处理和存储数据、逻辑运算和实现功能的部分,与之对应的是前端front end。 ↩
refine 优化,改良。 ↩
uncanny 非同寻常的,令人惊奇的。stunning. ↩
copywriter 撰稿人。具体来说,copywriter的主要工作是根据客户的要求,为产品、服务或品牌撰写各种广告宣传文案,例如广告语、广告词、网页内容、电视广告、户外广告、新闻稿、宣传册等等。这里的”copy-“有”文案”的意思。 ↩
triumph 胜利,凯旋。 ↩
imitate 模仿。 ↩
dramatic 急剧的。 ↩
36-fold 36倍。fold在这里表示倍数。 ↩
in comparison to 与……相比。类似表达还有”compared with”。 ↩
a range of 一系列。 ↩
Google-backed 由谷歌支持的。back有提供资助、支持的意思。例如:”The government has backed a new initiative to promote renewable energy.”(政府支持一个推广可再生能源的新举措。) ↩
startup 初创公司。 ↩
implement 实施,执行,应用。在这个句子中特指将机器学习模型应用于实际场景并产生结果的过程。(计算机专业总是跟这个词打交道) ↩
moniker 绰号,称谓。 ↩
average 普通的,一般的,平均水平的。 ↩
demonstrate 演示,展示。 ↩
clamoring 强烈要求,趋之若鹜。例句:”Ever since the pandemic began, people have been clamoring for accurate information about the virus and how to stay safe.”(自从疫情开始以来,人们一直强烈要求获取关于病毒以及如何保持安全的准确信息。) ↩
custom 定制化的,客制化的,自定义的。 ↩
hype 炒作,吹捧。 “Hype” 可以用作动词或名词,例如:
“The company’s new product has been hyped as the next big thing in tech.”(公司的新产品被吹捧成下一代科技中的下一个大事件。)
“The movie was hyped up so much, but it turned out to be a disappointment.”(这部电影被大肆宣传,但最终却是令人失望的。)
“The hype surrounding the singer’s upcoming concert has been incredible.”(歌手即将举办的演唱会引起的炒作非常惊人。) ↩ -
associate professor 副教授。associate还有“合伙人、助手、会员”的意思,例如:
“He is a senior associate at the law firm.”(他是一家律师事务所的高级合伙人。)
“She hired an associate to help her with the project.”(她雇了一个助手来帮助她完成这个项目。)
“The company is looking for new associates to join their team.”(公司正在寻找新成员加入他们的团队。) ↩ -
anticipate 预测,期望,预计。 ↩
chatbot 聊天机器人。”-bot” 后缀最初来自于英语单词 “robot”,它指的是一种自动化机器人。在现代英语中,”-bot” 后缀已经成为一种常用的构词元素,用于表示某种类型的机器人或自动化工具,常见于网络表达。 ↩
insane 不理智的,疯狂的。 ↩
talent 人才。 ↩
late-breaking 最近的,最新发生的。例句:
“The late-breaking news from the White House caused a stir among journalists.”(白宫突然发布的新闻在记者中引起轰动。)
“The researchers presented late-breaking results from their study of the virus.”(研究人员介绍了他们研究病毒的最新成果。) ↩ -
approach (动词)探讨,对待,处理。 ↩
dole out 分配,分发,发放(略含负面意味)。 ↩
massive 大量的。 ↩
layoff 解雇,裁员。 ↩
take off 风行,蓬勃发展。”take off” 是一个多义词,可以有多种不同的含义,取决于上下文。以下是一些常见的含义:
- 起飞:例如:”The plane is about to take off.”(飞机即将起飞。)
- 成功或风行:例如:”The new product really took off and became a huge success.”(这个新产品非常成功,迅速风行起来。)
- 脱下或取下某物:例如:”Take off your coat and make yourself comfortable.”(脱下外套,让自己舒适一些。)
- 突然去掉或离开:例如:”I have to take off and go to my next meeting.”(我得离开去参加下一个会议。) ↩ -
humanity 人文。除此之外,它还有①人类;②人性,人道主义的意思。 ↩
compensate 回报。compensate最常见的意思是“补偿”。例如:”The company will compensate its customers for any losses caused by the product recall.”(该公司将赔偿因产品召回而导致的任何损失。) ↩