A military tribunal sentenced former President Blaise Compaoré, who is now in exile, to life in prison for his role in the 1987 assassination.
Ex-Leader of Burkina Faso Convicted in Killing of Thomas Sankara, His Predecessor

Blaise Compaoré, the former president of Burkina Faso, in 2014. He was found guilty in the killing of his one-time close friend and predecessor, but had fled the country and did not return for the trial. (Sia Kambou/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images)
布莱斯·孔波雷,布基纳法索前总统,摄于2014年。他涉嫌杀害曾经的密友及前任,但他已逃离该国,未返回受审。(Sia Kambou/法新社 - Getty Images)
By Declan Walsh, April 6, 2022
作者:Declan Walsh,2022年4月6日
For decades, Blaise Compaoré, the president of Burkina Faso, preferred to avoid the subject of Thomas Sankara, his predecessor and one-time friend who was brutally killed in 1987 by soldiers who gunned him down outside his office.
数十年来,布基纳法索总统布莱斯·孔波雷(Blaise Compaoré)一直回避提及他的前任及曾经的密友托马斯·桑卡拉(Thomas Sankara),桑卡拉于1987年被士兵在他的办公室外残忍杀害。
On Wednesday, a military tribunal confirmed longstanding, widespread suspicions that Mr. Compaoré, now in living in exile, was in fact behind the killing.
After six months of hearings, a heavily protected courtroom in the capital, Ouagadougou, erupted in applause after judges convicted Mr. Compaoré in absentia and declared a sentence of life imprisonment — the climax of a much anticipated attempt to deliver justice for one of Africa’s most infamous political assassinations.
“This is a relief,” said Paul Sankara, the slain president’s younger brother, speaking by phone about the verdict. “It’s been a long wait.”
“如释重负,”在电话中谈到本次审判,这位遇害总统的弟弟保罗·桑卡拉(Paul Sankara)说到,“我们已经等待太久了。”
A firebrand Marxist revolutionary, Thomas Sankara became one of the youngest presidents in modern African history when he rose to power in 1983. Over four years he gained a reputation for principled rule and spirited defiance of the West that earned him adulation across Africa.
But his rule ended violently in October 1987 when Mr. Sankara and 12 other men were killed during the military coup that brought to power his old friend, Mr. Compaoré. For the next 27 years Mr. Compaoré ruled Burkina Faso with a tight grip until a popular uprising pushed him out in 2014, forcing him to flee to Ivory Coast with the help of French soldiers.

President Thomas Sankara, at a celebration in Burkina Faso in 1985, became an iconic leader in Africa, with a reputation for resisting corruption and defying the West. He was assassinated two years later. (Daniel Laine/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images)
托马斯·桑卡拉总统1985年于布基纳法索一场庆典上。他成为了非洲一位标志性领导人,因反腐败及蔑视西方而享有盛誉。他在两年后被刺杀。(Daniel Laine/法新社 - Getty Images)
Mr. Compaoré, however, is unlikely to spend any time in jail soon. He refused to return to Burkina Faso for the trial, and Ivory Coast declined to extradite him. He has always denied any role in the killing, although his explanation of the circumstances has shifted over the years.
Mr. Sankara’s widow, Mariam, who has lived mostly in France since her husband was killed, was near the front of the courtroom as the sentence was read out.
“I am satisfied,” she told The Associated Press, adding that she wished “the main suspects” in the case were also present.
Pierre-Olivier Sur, a French lawyer for Mr. Compaoré, said in an interview that his client refused to appear before a “puppet trial” that had taken place in “chaotic and dramatic” conditions.
孔波雷先生的法籍辩护律师皮埃尔-奥利维尔·苏尔(Pierre-Olivier Sur)在一场采访中表示,他的代理人拒绝出席一场在“混乱且戏剧性的”状况下进行的“傀儡审判”。
The trial started in October, 34 years after the death of Mr. Sankara, at a repurposed convention center near the presidential palace in an upmarket part of Ouagadougou. Despite the challenges of mounting a trial decades later, a panel of civilian and military judges heard evidence from over 100 witnesses against Mr. Compaoré and 13 others accused in the killing.
The proceedings were suspended in late January after the military seized power in Burkina Faso, the latest in a series of coups to afflict the landlocked West African nation since it gained independence from France in 1960.

A man in a T-shirt bearing the image of Mr. Sankara was among the crowds that gathered in Ouagadougou, in January in support of the latest military coup. (Malin Fezehai for The New York Times)
1月,于瓦加杜古,一男子身着印有桑卡拉先生头像的T恤,身处支持最新发生的军事政变的人群中。(Malin Fezehai为《纽约时报》供图)
But the trial resumed a week later, and culminated on Wednesday in the convictions and prison sentences that, in many cases, went beyond those demanded by prosecutors. The tribunal also delivered sentences of life imprisonment against Hyacinthe Kafando, Mr. Compaoré’s former head of security, and Gen. Gilbert Diendéré, a senior army commander at the time of the assassination.
但审判于一周后恢复,并于周三的定罪及监禁判决中宣告结束。这场审判在许多方面都超出了检察官的要求。法庭也判决孔波雷先生的前安全负责人亚森特·卡凡多(Hyacinthe Kafando)及暗杀时的陆军高级指挥官吉尔伯特·迪恩代雷(Gilbert Diendéré)将军终身监禁,
Eight others, mostly former soldiers, received sentences of between three and 20 years. Three people accused of creating a false death certificate for Mr. Sankara were acquitted.
Like Mr. Compaoré, Mr. Kafando was not present in the courthouse, having gone into hiding years ago. General Diendéré, who has been in prison since 2015 for his part in a failed coup attempt, is the only prominent convict likely to serve time.
Mr. Sankara is still a revered figure in Burkina Faso, and since the ouster of Mr. Compaoré in 2014, his legacy has been openly celebrated. Visitors flock to a giant bronze statue of Mr. Sankara, yards from the spot where he was killed, and his image adorns cars, motorcycles and T-shirts.
The trial represented an effort to establish the truth about his death, as well as a rare if belated attempt to impose justice for a military coup in a region with a long history of military takeovers.
“This is an historic verdict,” said Serge Martin Bambara, a popular rapper and democracy activist known by his stage name Smockey. “It shows that nobody is untouchable.”
“这是一场历史性的宣判,”著名饶舌歌手及民主活动家塞尔吉•马丁•班巴拉(Serge Martin Bambara)(以他的艺名Smockey而闻名)表示。“这表明没人是碰不得的。”
Still, the coup that interrupted the trial in January, ousting Burkina Faso’s democratically elected president, Roch Marc Christian Kaboré, and installing yet another military leader, belied hopes that the Sankara trial would act as a deterrent to future military coups.
然而,一月份干扰了这场审判的军事政变驱逐了布基纳法索的民选总统洛克•马克•克里斯蒂安•卡博雷(Roch Marc Christian Kaboré),并扶植了另一个军事领导人,从而使这场桑卡拉审判能够威慑未来的军事政变的希望落空。

A statue of Thomas Sankara, in front of the building where he was killed, has become a popular site for visitors to Ouagadougou. (Malin Fezehai for The New York Times)
托马斯•桑卡拉的雕像,位于他遇害的大楼前。这座雕像已经成为瓦加杜古游客的热门旅游地点。(Malin Fezegai为《纽约时报》供图)
And the trial avoided longstanding questions about the potential role of outside powers in the death of Mr. Sankara, including France, the former colonial ruler of Burkina Faso, and neighboring Ivory Coast.
One witness described how French officials visited Burkina Faso’s intelligence service one day after the killing, and removed sensitive surveillance materials. But the trial mostly avoided the subject of any international role, which the Burkina Faso authorities have reserved for a separate investigation.
Now that the trial is over, the Sankara family hopes to hold a proper funeral for the assassinated leader, who was buried in a pauper’s grave dug by prisoners at night within hours of his death.
“This is not a moment for satisfaction,” said Paul Sankara, who lives in the United States. “But at least now we can grieve.”
As for the absent Mr. Compaoré, once considered a son by Mr. Sankara’s parents, he said simply: “He has his own conscience.”
附:桑卡拉的故事 - 小约翰可汗